How to play music on a gyroscooter via bluetooth

The very first gyroscooters had many features. Some were equipped with tubeless wheels, while others had cameras. There was also a triple board system and a bunch of different sensors. But over time, all this was not enough, and the developers have decided to attract even more young people, creating gyroboards with lights and speakers. Let's consider in detail the question of how to turn on the music on the gyro scooter via bluetooth. The task seems to be simple, but in practice many users encounter various problems.

How to tell if a gyro scooter is equipped with speakers for music

Gyroscooter With speakers for music

As a rule, musical gyroboards have built-in speakers, which can be seen by the characteristic holes on the body. In addition, together with the speakers there is a light design. A bright light of different shades is emitted around the whole perimeter. The backlight is capable of not just glowing, but also flashing in time with the music tracks.

Basically, gyroscooters with the ability to include music tracks are not designed for long rides. They are used exclusively for shows for short periods of time.

Such factors have a strong impact on battery charge. Even if the device is equipped with a powerful battery, frequent use will not make you wait long for a complete discharge.

Which models have built-in speakers

If we consider gyroscooters, segways or mini-sigways for children, they usually do not have music accompaniment. More serious and expensive models are equipped with speakers.

Now very popular brands are Smart Balance, Xiaomi, Ecodrift, Kiwano, GTF, Zaxboard and others. Gadget, as a rule, costs more than others, and mostly bluetooth module to connect music is provided on 8 and 10 inch models.

How to turn on music on a gyro scooter via bluetooth step by step

How to turn on music on a gyro scooter via bluetooth step by step

Various models of Smart Balance gyroboards are equipped with built-in speakers. The connection is made via Bluetooth. In order to avoid problems during further use, let's look at how to make this setting. You must control the music through your smartphone, which means that these two devices must be synchronized.

Turn on the gyroscooter

When the gadget is turned on, bluetooth is automatically activated. If this does not happen, it means that the gyroboard has a separate button to activate the function. In this case you should read the user manual of the device.

Connect a gyroscooter to a smartphone

The connection is made via Bluetooth. To do this, the function must also be activated on the phone. To pair, you need to find the name of the gyroboard in the list of visible and available devices and tap on it.

As a rule, after a successful synchronization, you can turn on the tracks on your smartphone, and they will be played through the speakers on the gyroscope. But you can also play songs through the app.

Configure TaoTao

A gyroscooter that supports the application must be properly configured. Before you Turn on music on your device via TaoTao, you need to perform the following steps.

  • Turn on the device and bluetooth.
  • Check whether the battery on the 100% is charged.
  • On your mobile device, search for devices, and select the desired device from the list.
  • The system sometimes requires a password when pairing, you must enter the universal code - 000000.
  • You can change the current password if you wish.

Choose a track

After synchronizing the two devices and properly configuring the software, you can select the appropriate music track.

If successfully connected, music will play from the gyroboard's speakers.

What to do if the music does not play

Music on the gyroscope does not play

Connecting between devices may not always be successful. If bluetooth does not work, you should identify the cause and then proceed to solve the problem. Here are some answers to known problems.

No connection between devices

If your smartphone does not see the gyroboard, you should look at the instructions and make sure that the gadget is equipped with bluetooth module. Some models do not automatically activate Bluetooth when the gyro scooter is turned on. Most likely, there is a separate button for it, which is located on the body.

Problems with the software

Often users are unable to synchronize the gyroscope with their mobile device due to outdated software. Mostly the problem occurs if the smartphone uses Android version 5.0. and below.

Out-of-date software causes synchronization problems. If possible, you need to update your device to the latest version of the software. Exactly the same problem occurs when pairing on iPhones with iOS version 6 and 7.

If you can not update, there are only two options, buy a new modern smartphone or use the gyroboard without connecting to the phone.

Smartphone does not see the gyroscooter

If there is no gyroboard in the list of available devices, you should try to connect to it from another mobile device. If you cannot connect music to the gyroscope, the problem is in the gyroboard. Most likely, it is not equipped with a Bluetooth module or has a malfunction. To fix the problem, you will have to contact a service center.

The gyroboard is connected, but there is no sound

During the first pairing of a smartphone with a gyroscope, you may not hear sound from the speakers due to improper configuration of the devices. If the music does not play after prolonged use, there may be several options. These include:

  • The Bluetooth module is defective.
  • The sound chip is out of order.
  • The speakers are badly clogged with dirt and dust.
  • It is possible that moisture got into the inside of the housing, which over time caused oxidation of the contacts.
  • Careless driving and bumping may have damaged the device.
  • Mechanical damage could have caused the contacts to break.
As you can see, there are many reasons, and in order to identify the fault, you will need the help of an experienced specialist. It is not recommended repair the gadget on your own, these actions can only make the situation worse.

Connection Features

You only need to synchronize your phone and the gyroscope once. All subsequent connections will occur automatically. You can enjoy music as long as your phone has Bluetooth enabled. It is important to remember that the synchronization of gadgets is kept at a very short distance, so it is not recommended to keep your smartphone too far away. The best distance to connect is 20 cm.

Video tutorial

Answers to popular questions

1. How do I turn on my music speakers?

If you have speakers, the music will play automatically after pairing the devices using bluetooth.

2. Which brand with speakers is better to choose?

Now in great demand are gyroscooters with speakers and bluetooth brand Smart Balance Wheel (price/quality ratio). On the shelves there is a wide range of choices for all tastes and wallets. But the choice is not limited to these devices.

All manipulations to enable music on a gyroscope using Bluetooth are not complicated. It is enough to perform the settings in a clear sequence to successfully synchronize the two devices. When the device has a clear breakdown, it is necessary to contact an experienced craftsman, and do not try to solve the problem yourself.

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  1. Lily

    Здравствуйте.У меня на героскутере есть колонка и он без проблем подключается к смартфону и проигрывает музыку, но как только на него встаешь музыка перестает звучать,С чем это может быть связано?

  2. Eugene

    Why not 20 mm?

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