How to remove the speed limit on an electric scooter

For a long time, scooters were considered only a child's and teenager's entertainment, but with the development of the production of such devices, adults became interested in them as well. Electric transportation helps to get to the place of work or study, and the speed of overcoming the path depends not only on the rider, but also on the gadget itself. Each scooter has a speed limit, set by the manufacturer. It is quite possible to set the figure above the available, but this possibility is non-standard, and therefore you will have to perform the procedure with the use of third-party tools. In this article we will consider in detail how to remove the speed limit on the electric scooter and adjust this parameter while using the device.

Influence of different factors on the speed of movement

The speed of an electric scooter is a very relative concept. In this case, as a rule, it means the average speed, which is not difficult to achieve. It also happens that the manufacturer deliberately overstates the maximum indicator - you can see it on the screen of the device only in ideal conditions.

The rate of movement depends on various factors. They can both decrease and increase this index.

Type of road

The effect of road type on scooter speed

Modern electric scooters can reach the highest speed on a perfectly smooth road surface. The wheels literally glide on such a surface, as the resistance is minimal. Cruise control works perfectly here (maintaining the same speed all the way). It is quite another matter - viscous road, moving on which the bottom of the device sags, and the wheels meet in the pits.

In addition to the above, the importance of road inclination. For the sake of comparison, imagine walking - it is much harder to go uphill than to go downhill. The motor of an electric scooter works the same way. When you go uphill, it requires a lot more effort.

Motor Specifications

One of the main criteria steadily affects the speed of the device. Torque and power play a role power reserve The electric scooter is a means of transportation and is unchangeable. If you want to ride an electric scooter quickly, you should choose a model with the best motor characteristics.

Wheel size

Influence of wheel size on driving speed

The rotation of the wheels is provided by the motor. Their small size indicates that it will be problematic to cover a long distance, which cannot be said about large elements. And although large wheels are more difficult to spin, modern manufacturers take this feature into account and equip electric vehicles with a motor with appropriate power.

Rider and electric scooter body weight

The total weight of the vehicle and the user plays a special role. The higher it is, the greater is the friction force with the road surface, which means that it will not be possible to move quickly. An electric scooter with normal speed characteristics should have a low weight, while maintaining other driving qualities.

The load on the electric vehicle is possible to increase, for example, a backpack - in this case, you should not think about a fast ride.

Weather conditions

A perfectly flat road does not always provide a high driving speed. Wind or precipitation can prevent the device from working as usual. They create additional resistance and sometimes even knock the electric scooter off the level road.

Where to find the speed and power limiter on an electric scooter

The element that limits the power of the electric motor and the speed of the electric vehicle is on the main component - controller. Without this part, the device is unable to perform its functions fully, and the scooter ride will have to be ensured only by the physical efforts of the rider.

The controller options related to speed and power are just as basic. The small size part controls the currents to adjust the speed and also limits the power of the electric motor.

You can reach the maximum speed of the electric scooter without limitation by changing the contacts on the controller.

Why do they put a speed limit

The actual speed is less than stated in the specifications due to the desire of manufacturers to ensure security rider. First of all, it concerns beginners who are just getting on an electric scooter for the first time - they need to master the new mode of transport and confidently stand and move around on it. Some companies make models with temporary speed limiters - they are removed automatically after some time of using the gadget.

Permanent restraints also have the right to exist. They prevent breakdowns of electric vehicles due to accidents as well as rider falls.

Even the most powerful and fast electric scooter has limitations, so wasting time looking for a model without this feature makes no sense.

How you can remove the speed limit on an electric scooter is a very interesting question. Every user can figure it out, but it will take a lot of time. Let's talk about it in more detail below.

Increasing the speed of Xiaomi and Kugoo scooter

Increasing the speed of the electric scooter

It is possible to increase the maximum speed of an electric scooter after performing a certain sequence of actions. Let's look at instructions for mobility devices of two most popular manufacturers. Each owner of such a device should definitely know how to change the speed, adjust the movement modes and disable the speed limit of the electric scooter. This information will allow you to make the ride more comfortable and safe.

How to change speed on an electric scooter

Reduce and increase the speed of your Kugoo or Xiaomi electric scooter Handle located on the right side on the steering wheel. To decrease the throttle, you should relieve pressure on it, to increase it, you should increase pressure on it.

You should be careful when shifting speed on the electric scooter - if you squeeze the lever for 5 seconds the cruise control mode is activated and you will not be able to slow down the vehicle any more.

It is recommended to press the right handle at the speed of the device more than 5 km/hour. Otherwise, it simply will not work. In addition, you should not move the lever when the electric vehicle is riding next to the user or being used as a regular scooter (operating without a battery).

How to remove the speed limit

It doesn't take long to upgrade an electric scooter that travels at a minimum speed. Changing the speed limit will require:

  • turn the device off;
  • Press the brake trigger (on the left side of the handlebar) and turn on the scooter without releasing it;
  • press the throttle trigger a certain number of times.

In this case, the limitation is not removed completely, but only slightly shifted. So, you can increase the speed by pressing the right knob:

  • 8 times - 12 km/hour;
  • 6 times - 20 km/hour;
  • 5 times - 25 km/hour;
  • 4 times - 33 km/hour.

In this way it will be possible to remove the speed limit on the Xiaomi or Kugoo scooter for children and beginners. As for transport for experienced adult riders, it will be necessary to intervene in the "internals" of the device.

To remove the restriction, you first need to disassemble the device and remove the controller. Further actions should be performed directly with his participation:

  1. Take a soldering iron and drop some solder on it.
  2. Find the corresponding bracket on the controller (the extreme one on the opposite side from the wire outlet, usually near the battery).
  3. Transfer a drop of solder from the soldering iron to the corner of the staple.

It is better not to overdo it with solder, because it is fraught with a failure of the controller, without which the electric scooter will not be able to move at all.

After you have done this, the vehicle will be much more agile. When driving uphill, of course, you should not expect super results, but the increase in power will be noticeable on any road surface.

Tampering with the internal parts of your electric scooter by yourself will void your warranty.

Setting modes

The speed of the scooter is also controlled by changing its modes. They are switched by a button on the display and given out by the corresponding icons on it. As a rule, manufacturers equip electric scooters with three modes:

  1. ECO mode. On it the device is able to overcome the maximum distance specified in the characteristics. The speed in this case is limited, as a rule, to 15-20 km/hour. When the mode is active, no symbols should appear on the screen of the vehicle.
  2. The standard speed limit. It allows you to drive at a speed of 25-30 km/hour. This mode provides a tedious, but comfortable and safe ride. When it is switched on, the letter "S" appears on the display. The current consumption here is not too high, and therefore at the maximum permissible speed it is possible to cover a considerable distance.
  3. Sport mode. The accelerated level is suitable for driving in parks, where there is a large free area. With it it is possible to accelerate the vehicle to the maximum speed specified in the characteristics. This mode is also denoted by the English letter "S", but it is highlighted in color (usually red).

Speed management applications

Special applications will help you adjust the various parameters of electric vehicles. All you need to do to use them is connect a scooter to a smartphone. We will look at the top 7 programs for iOS and Android gadgets. They are available to users for free, but to get some features you still have to pay by buying the "PRO" version. At the same time, it is possible to reduce or increase the speed of the scooter with their help without paying extra.

Mi Home

Speed limit on a scooter in Mi Home

Download link from Google Play | App Store download link

The official app for Xiaomi devices allows you to monitor the current and average speed of the electric scooter. This data is located on the main screen. To change the parameters, just go to the menu (the button with three dots in the upper corner).

m365 Tools

Increase speed in m365 Tools

Download link from Google Play | App Store download link

The program works successfully with Xiaomi and Ninebot scooters. The first page also contains speed and power data. Through the settings, the user will be able to change the speed factor, taking into account the size of the wheels and other parameters. In addition, the speedometer is allowed to set the maximum value of the scale.


Remove the speed limit in Kugoo

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The Kugoo electric scooter utility allows you to watch the speed change even while driving. In the settings there is a point for setting the maximum speed - the user can choose this parameter independently, but it must not be lower than the value declared in the characteristics of a particular model.


Increasing the speed of the Segway-Ninebot

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The Ninebot variant displays the speed in the form of a pie chart, and just below it there is a button for activating the cruise control mode. The gears are adjusted in the corresponding section - you need to click on the gear in the upper corner.

m365 Dashboard

Increase speed on an elliptical scooter with the m365 Dashboard

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The utility is designed for Xiaomi M365 electric scooter, but it is possible to connect to it devices from other manufacturers. The main screen of the application displays the data on what speed the electric scooter develops at the maximum and what is the average rate. This does not require an internet connection. Additionally, the program creates graphs with speed information on its own.

Nine Dash

Increasing speed in Nine Dash

Download link from Google Play

Not the most popular, but effective and interesting app gives you the ability to control your Ninebot electric scooter. It has data about the average and maximum speed, based on which graphs are automatically created.



Download link from Google Play | App Store download link

This useful utility for Kugoo devices displays your current speed on the main screen. Here you can adjust this indicator depending on the type of road surface and other nuances. You can use the program both when riding and when "resting" the device.

Video tutorial

FAQ: Answers to popular questions

1. How do I know what the maximum speed of an electric scooter is?

Speaking about what maximum speed an electric scooter can reach, it is worth remembering about its dependence on various factors. If you take a flat road surface and an average rider's weight, the speed of transport will be only 3-5 km/h less than stated in the characteristics.

2. Is there a universal way to remove speed limits?

Yes, this will have to thoroughly re-solder the original board or replace the controller, but the selection of this part is better left to professionals.

3. How fast can I drive in the city?

For driving on city roads it is not recommended to exceed the mark of 35 km/hour. As for the average speed of a scooter in the city, it reaches 28-30 km/hour.

4. Which model of scooter is the fastest?

Determining the fastest electric scooter in the world is difficult, as there are different models with the same speed on sale. Among the leaders are the Dualtron X and the Aqiho T118. They can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h.

5. What is the best electric scooter to buy for speed?

In this case it is impossible to name a specific model - here it is worth focusing on the age of the rider and his riding skills. So, it is recommended to choose devices with a speed of no more than 10 km/h, teenagers - up to 17 km/h, adults - about 35 km/h, riders - over 40 km/h.

6. Is it possible to improve the performance of the model?

It is possible to do this, but without certain skills and abilities to start upgrading the gadget is not recommended. Self-improvement of characteristics is carried out by replacing individual parts inside the electric scooter (Battery, controller, etc.).

7. Is it possible to remove the restriction on children's scooters?

Yes, it is realistic to do so. But increasing the speed on the transport of small riders is not recommended for their safety.

Increasing the speed of electric scooters (removing the limit) is a very dangerous and difficult business. But this does not prevent users from carrying out the procedure on their own, without turning to specialists and without giving money for a more expensive and faster model. In this case, concentration and accuracy are important, because it is sometimes easier to damage your vehicle than to repair and adjust it.

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21 Комментариев
  1. Антон

    Можно-ли сбросить ограничитель скорости на signs allroad max?

  2. Viktor

    Как увеличить скорость на самокате NIU KQi3 Max до 32 км/ч ?

  3. Andr

    And how can you increase the speed of the electric scooter dihma aload fust.Just on the Internet there is nothing

  4. Alexander

    Good afternoon. Has anyone managed to increase the speed on xiaomi 2pro? without interfering with the firmware?

    1. Artem Novikov

      You can't. Only install a special version.

  5. Timothy

    Добрый день. Купили ребёнку kugoo c1. Покатавшись немного, ребёнок научился переключать скорости и теперь гоняет только на 3-й. Безумно переживаем, что где-то может не справиться с управлением из-за скорости и упасть. Подскажите, как можно понизить скорость или отключить 2-3 скорость. Вышеизложенные мероприятия проводил (8 раз ручкой газа, приложение и т.п.) не срабатывают. За ранее благодарен.

    1. Artem Novikov

      Read Kugo's documentation on how to change the riding mode.

  6. Eugene

    I have dexp black how to remove the speed limit and increase the capacity of the Akb?

    1. Artem Novikov

      The limitation is usually removed with custom firmware. Increasing the battery only by placing an additional battery.

  7. Andrew

    I have Halten PC02 Rev2 and drive at a maximum speed of 48kmh - this is after unplugging the speed limit plug-

  8. Andrew

    And in what region are there no restrictions?

  9. Renat

    Здравствуйте, сделал все как вы скащали но как ,можно сохранить параметры скорости?И делать ли это на полном заряде самоката у меня kugoo s1

    1. Artem Novikov

      I recommend to read the firmware of your model separately.

  10. Simeon Leshchenko

    Good afternoon.
    I have a scooter xiaomi pro 2. I bought it a week ago. On the sport mode goes maximum 20 km per hour. Bought in Germany, I know that they have restrictions on scooters at 20 km per hour. In medium mode it goes 14-15 km per hour. Tried to change the speed by holding the brake when engaging. It locks the scooter and writes in red 15 (I understand it is 15 km per hour limit on the medium module).
    Question. How do I remove the restriction in my case?
    Can't you do without internal intervention here?

    1. Artem Novikov

      If it has a regional lock - then without changing the firmware nothing can be done. But if it is blocked by the application, you can try to create a new account for Mi Home, for example, with the RU region, and there connect the scooter. If it does not help - only reflashing.

  11. Leo

    I want to increase the speed on my scooter. This article is nothing but empty gibberish. It's like reading a country paper. Everyone already knows how to press the gas on their scooters. The author even started to describe it. Just a horrible article and pointless!

  12. Bogdan

    Hello, does anyone know how to increase the maximum speed on the Xiaomi Electrical Scoter Essential scooter? Just there max speed 20km/h, and it's not very much...

  13. Andrew

    There must be a way to remove the limiter programmatically, I also have 0809 pro, also looking for information

  14. Ali

    Is there any way to raise the limit of 25 km/h on the Yamato 0809 pro electric scooter to at least 30?

  15. Ruslan

    Where can I get my X8 scooter speed boosted?

    1. Artem Novikov

      It depends on where you are from. Try to find a service in your city.

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